Even thinking of cutting off almost all my hair (which happens to be about 51 cm long so go check a ruler lol)? And more importantly just for coslaying..?
Ok so I've been wanting to watch Death Note (an awesome anime) more thoroughly so I've watched the whole first season and have become unhealthily obsessed with L. And so naturally I'm like, "Why don't I cosplay as him?" I mean really he's so kawaii/hot
In fact, he's so kawaii/hot, he deserves a montarage of piccies (pictures)
Behold, the hottness that is... L!
Ok so I've been wanting to watch Death Note (an awesome anime) more thoroughly so I've watched the whole first season and have become unhealthily obsessed with L. And so naturally I'm like, "Why don't I cosplay as him?" I mean really he's so kawaii/hot
In fact, he's so kawaii/hot, he deserves a montarage of piccies (pictures)
Behold, the hottness that is... L!
Ok so anyway, that ^ is why I might cosplay as him. Sure I could use a wig, but anime wigs are so EWW I mean they aren't even close to real looking hair. Way too shiny. That's why I'm considering cutting most of my hair of and dying it (temporarily?) and adding gel to make it match L's. And I'm such a big fan I'd keep it gelled like that -^-^-
But I'm not sure cause my hair is incredibly mean and frizzes and is really think so if it was short it might look worse than it already does. But if it was shorter it might be easier to manage and might not look bad. Here's what my hair looks like when not straightened (keep in mind I don't get much time to straighten my hair and it takes extra long cause my straightener sucks) Just ignore me...
Unstraightened Straightened
Now that I look at my face.. I'd both mock L by cosplaying as him and I'd look terrible so I probably won't, problem solved ^-~ That's all I have time to say now :P
wow nice blog!!
Thankies! I always love hearing positive comments on my blog ^-^
Especially cause, as you can see, I don't get many comments ^-^'
I think you look terrific with or without straightened hair.
Holy crap you're pretty! :)
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