I've changed the title and URL of this blog from terribly long to not as bad. Through These Hazel Eyes. In other news, I made a pretty awesome pic last night on paint.NET which is a cool paint program that's little more advanced than MS Paint. You can use layers and some basic effents and filters. You can get it at getpaint.net. I'm very proud of it cause I didn't even use a basic pencil sketch or anything. It's 100% digital.
Ok also I've been working on getting a new site up cause my freewebs site right now is crap. I found a pretty promising site called synthasite.com and I hope it works out. The name of the site is going to be throughmyeyes.com but I'm not sure if it's gonna try and stick a thing in there like freewebs did. It's free so I think it might.
I was just looking at the picture again, and it reminded me of my old best friend. She abandoned me for "better" friends I think. She has to realize I'm not a conversation starter, and we really didn't have that much in common, we just both liked to draw. But now when I look at my picture... It totally pwns her ass XD
Also, I can't wait for the anime con coming up in October. 17-19? I don't remember. I think my bud is going too. I'm gonna have to ask him if he plans on cosplaying. I think I might. I know I won't be alone though, cause the forums had a coslaying thread and lots of people posted. But I'd like to be not-alone with a friend ^-^ I might wanna cosplay as Ed, but I'd have to work really hard to make it look good cause I'm a girl and all. Whether it's tv series or movie Ed I have no idea ^-^' But if my bud wants to cosplay as him that would pose as a problem, in which case I might compromise and go as Winry so long as I get to act like Winry too >=3 Of course it would take ALOT of work on my part to pull it off. Cause Winry's got a much better body than me heheh. Not impossible if I set my mind to it though. Don't worry I won't go all anorexic or nothin.
Listenin to: Alumina by Nightmare (It's the first DeathNote closing theme)
So catchy!
Wearing: Black Snoopy Tee and Blue Jeans
Do you have to install something to get that thing to make that sort of drawing? PLEASE, I REALLY WANNA KNOOOW!!!
I used paint.NET which you can get from getpaint.net
But any program where you can use layers should work
Even MS Paint would work
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